
College of Business + 信息技术 校友周



Shannon Dare Wayne, 1998年BSIM, 2003年MSIO

自从从利记sbo获得本科和研究生学位以来,香农·戴尔·韦恩一直在产生影响. 她在福特汽车公司工作了25年,目前是福特Model e部门的商务办公室经理. 此前,她在规划部门工作 & 中东战略 & 非洲地区. She also completed Ford’s 制造业 领导 Program, where she rotated through the following positions and teams: production line supervisor, 工艺工程师, 工业工程师, 质量, 产品开发工厂驻地工程师, and the 2007 National UAW–Ford Negotiations team.

Dr. Wayne also makes time for her 社区 of Milan, Michigan. 她最近当选为米兰市议会议员,并将担任临时市长的后半段任期. 同时, 她是米兰美化委员会主席和米兰市中心发展局/米兰主街的董事会成员, aiding in her city’s continued revitalization. 她也是米兰老年人健康生活和米兰无玷受孕教区教区委员会的董事会成员.

She remains active in the Lawrence Tech 社区, 并担任机械协会主席, 机器人, 工业工程行业顾问委员会和工业工程运营管理协会国际全球行业顾问委员会成员.

除了她的劳伦斯理工学位,博士. 他还拥有韦恩州立大学(Wayne State University)的制造工程硕士学位和工业工程博士学位. 通过美国质量协会, she is a Certified Manager of Quality and Certified Quality Auditor.



Dr. Paul Miklovich, DBA'14


Dr. Paul Miklovich是医疗保健管理和领导方面的高管,拥有超过35年的私人经验, 公共, 以及政府部门. 在过去的30年里, 他曾在克利夫兰诊所(Cleveland Clinic)担任技术和运营管理方面的各种职务. 他的经验涵盖了亚洲医院管理和卫生保健提供系统发展的各个方面, 欧洲, 中东, 非洲, 和加勒比地区.





作为QAD的汽车主管, Terry is responsible for global marketing activities which include strategy and positioning, 为人们提供知识, and field and sales marketing support for the automotive vertical. Terry works closely with customers to drive best practices and earn preferred supplier status. 她是供应链行业标准和最佳实践的开发和全球采用的行业领导者. Prior to joining QAD, Terry had worked at GM, Ford, and Johnson Controls. 在她30年的职业生涯中, she has been immersed in the automotive supply chain and technology space.


汽车行业的供应链至关重要,因为高质量的零部件按时交付到装配厂至关重要. Terry将概述全球行业最佳实践与当今技术如何帮助减少库存, 技能差距, 成本, 和风险. 这一组合将帮助供应链在未来几年从内燃机转向电动和自动驾驶汽车.


Ronald Muccioli, 1969年BSIM

Senior Advisor to Dean for Transportation Design, 利记sbo

Ronald Muccioli,劳什工业公司业务发展执行董事,利记sbo交通设计系高级顾问兼兼职教授. Ron has a wealth of international experience in the automotive industry. He began his career as an engineer with Ford Motor Company, where he worked on the first energy absorbing bumper system for which he has a co-patent.

在获得工商管理硕士学位后,他被提升到产品规划部门,在那里他担任过各种汽车生产线职位, including Manager of Product Development in Brazil. 回到美国.S., he was involved in various sports car and motor sports functions, including Business Manager of the Ford Formula One team. 罗恩也是野马的总工程师. He then moved to Fiat as Executive Director in Italy and the U.S. 7年来, and at the same time was Managing Director for International Automotive Consultants, working with the CEOs/Presidents of several automotive suppliers on management organization, 业务发展, 和市场营销. While at Fiat, Ron sold complete body shops to Ford Brazil, Ford Russia, Ford Turkey, and GM China. He joined Roush in 2003 and is responsible for the Global Ford account and all Roush business in China.

International Business Customs: 欧洲, South America, and Asia



Dr. Sheryl Mitchell, DBA '14


Mitchell is the city manager for the City of Albion and chief administrative officer of the city, including management of a $14 million annual budget. She coordinates all city departments to implement the programs and policies of the City Council. Mitchell is focused on building a more vibrant 社区. Key components are economic vitality through job creation, and stabilizing and revitalizing the businesses and neighborhoods. Sheryl currently serves on the boards of the Greater Albion Chamber of Commerce, 峰会黑, 卡尔霍恩县卫生委员会, 区域卫生联盟, 全国有色人种协进会阿尔比恩分会, 和Ismon House. 她的市政职业生涯始于在底特律市议会工作了13年,然后在奥克兰县委员会担任了17年的高级分析师.

Sheryl Warren Mitchell在利记sbo获得工商管理博士学位. 她成功地通过了论文答辩, 基于优先级预算的探索性研究:通过公民参与政府预算决策来识别公共价值和公共优先级, in 2014. 她也是2014年爱德华·唐利杰出研究生奖(Edward Donley Distinguished Graduate Award)的两位获奖者之一, 社区, 以及校园领导.

Learning to SOAR™: Changing Your Mindset to Change Your Position



Mr. 大卫·约翰逊92届BSBA

客户服务副总裁 & DTE的市场营销

大卫L. Johnson, is the vice president of Customer Service & 市场营销 for DTE Electric,an electric utility serving 2.1 million customers in Southeastern Michigan, 和DTE气体, a natural gas utility which provides service to 1.密歇根州的200万家庭和企业. Both are operating units of DTE Energy (NYSE:DTE), 一家多元化的能源公司,在全国范围内从事能源相关业务和服务的开发和管理. DTE能源投资组合还包括专注于电力和工业项目的非公用事业能源业务, 天然气管道, 收集和储存, 以及能源营销和交易. Johnson is responsible for leading day to day customer service operations which includes call centers, 业务办公室, 计费和抄表服务, 信用与托收, 和盗窃. He is also responsible for customer marketing, major account services and customer research. Johnson于1999年加入DTE Energy, and has served in a variety of progressively more responsible roles. He previously served as director of revenue management and protection. He has over 20 years of leadership experience in customer service, 在此之前,他曾担任圣安东尼奥水系统公司的客户服务副总裁和at公司的高级经理&T.

Sheryl Warren Mitchell在利记sbo获得工商管理博士学位. 她成功地通过了论文答辩, 基于优先级预算的探索性研究:通过公民参与政府预算决策来识别公共价值和公共优先级, in 2014. 她也是2014年爱德华·唐利杰出研究生奖(Edward Donley Distinguished Graduate Award)的两位获奖者之一, 社区, 以及校园领导.

Leveraging Relationships in Business: Attributes that Leaders look for in Employees



Fred VanderVoord, MSIO '99

Fred VanderVoord在奥本山的克莱斯勒技术中心度过了他职业生涯的最后20年, 现为菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车公司所有.

弗雷德被聘用到产品设计办公室,并一直在公司的那个部门工作. 弗雷德花了19年的时间在设计办公室履行业务角色,最近搬到道奇和公羊工作室的规划师. In this new role he has become responsible for workforce engineering, projecting future product budgets for the Product Design Office, 并为道奇和公羊设计工作室安排支持未来车辆设计和造型的开发活动. 在此之前,他是磨坊的经理, 数字化, 快速原型部,完成了克莱斯勒汽车设计和造型领域所有必要的工业操作. 在加入克莱斯勒之前, Fred served 4 years in the United States Marine Corps, 以中士的身份光荣退役, and spent 10 years as the Photogrammetric Mapping Manager of Air-Land Surveys in Clarkston, MI.

Mr. 范德沃德的成绩是B.S. in Applied Mathematics from Ferris State University.




迷迭香K. 拜耳,2003年的CI工商管理硕士

Rosemary Bayer is Chief Inspiration Officer of ardentCause L3C, 一家全国公认的技术公司,为非营利组织和教育行业提供软件解决方案,通过数据收集实现更好的结果, 矿业, 分析, 结果的可视化和沟通. 该公司提供独特的能力,通过跨组织的信息共享来提高组织绩效,实现有效的协作和社区影响.

At ardentCause, Rosemary is CEO and leads product development. 之前ardentCause, Rosemary spent 25 years in information technology at Sun Microsystems, Amdahl and Control Data Corporation; as systems engineer/inventor; engineering management; and General Management of a large global division.

8月以来, 2012, Rosemary is also the lead instructor for the Michigan Inforum ACTiVATE® program, a 10 month educational program originally created with the support of the National Science Foundation, 旨在帮助女性创办科技公司,并利用美国研究型大学的技术转让.S

Rosemary co-founded the Michigan Council of Women in Technology and its Foundation, providing support for girls and women pursuing technology careers and interests.

Be a Master Builder (don't follow the instructions)



我们的主讲人是 is 加里·伍德,MSIO'96 .  Cary will be giving a presentation on Thursday, 3月21日下午12:15在Marburger礼堂,作为利记sbo蓝魔创业系列的一部分.  他的主题是 21世纪产品开发 & 制造业 .

凯里是总统 & CEO of Sparton Corporation, and is on the College of Management Board of Advisors. 凯里也会和我们的FIN 6013通话 & GLM 6353 classes in the evening after his keynote address. 


