They Said It! Over the years, 许多著名的参观者都评论了劳伦斯理工学院在培养一代又一代工程师方面所发挥的领导作用, architects, scientists, and managers.

"I feel a particular affinity for this university.... 我的曾祖父亨利·福特和他的公司在它的发展中发挥了重要作用.... 自从(1932年)开业以来,福特就投入了时间和财力. In return, Lawrence has repaid us a thousand-fold. 它给了我们比金钱更好的东西,比时间更有价值的东西. It has given us human resources.... 公司和大学之间的长期合作关系是商业和学术合作的先驱."

Edsel B. Ford II,


"Lawrence Tech is a special place.... and people from Lawrence Tech can have a real impact....我希望你们能借此机会推动大胆的新想法和创新,以改善选择, efficiency, and quality of life for all of us."

Spencer Abraham,

Former U.S. Senator from Michigan; Former Secretary, U.S. Department of Energy

“能成为劳伦斯理工学院的学位持有者之一,我深感荣幸和感激....To me, 你们青年男女和你们这一代的其他人的智力潜力和人文资源比科学和技术的所有承诺加起来都要大.... 你们是未来最大的希望,我相信你们会应对挑战."

Lee A. Iacocca,

Former Chairman, Chrysler Corporation

“无论你们(劳伦斯理工学院的毕业生)选择从事什么领域的工作, 你们这些现代先锋必须是问题解决者和长远思考者. You must be opinion leaders and policy-makers. You must be risk-takers and entrepreneurs. 简而言之,你们必须有远见卓识,决心有所作为."

Philip Caldwell,

Former Chairman and CEO, Ford Motor Company


Lloyd E. Reuss,

Former Chairman, Lawrence Tech Board of Trustees; Former President, General Motors Corporation

“劳伦斯理工学院是一所值得最高掌声的机构, the highest salute, 因为它是一所伟大的大学,是一所你可以引以为傲的大学."

Joe Knollenberg,

Former Member of Congress of the United States

“我是谁,要给你的学生和毕业生留下深刻印象.... I pull for your success!"

Sam Donaldson,

Former Senior Correspondent, ABC News

“投资于创新就是投资于人.... 我们在密歇根州有大约200名员工在我们位于绍斯菲尔德的办公室工作, in the shadow of Lawrence Tech, 我们将继续致力于帮助推动当地经济增长, business competitiveness, individual opportunity, and innovation.... 我对技术领先非常乐观, culture of innovation, entrepreneurship, 以及强大的公私合作伙伴关系,这将使密歇根州变得更加强大, its citizens more prosperous, 让底特律继续发展,不仅仅是作为一个创新的地方, 许多行业都是世界经济的引擎."

Steven Ballmer,

Former Lawrence Tech Student; Former CEO, Microsoft Corporation

“我们称之为建筑的东西是你自身存在的一部分, a good part of your own soul that you cannot borrow..., cannot beg..., cannot put on. You must patiently grow it from within."

Frank Lloyd Wright,

American Architect

“你会发现你的顾客和客户来找你不是因为他们认为你知道什么, 而是因为他们想让你猜一些未知的东西. As an expert you should be able to guess better. So, start learning to guess."

Dudley R. Herschbach,

Nobel Laureate (1986 Chemistry)

"I must begin by commending you for your courage...邀请一位“纯粹的经济学家”来参加这次杰出物理学家的聚会, engineers, and technologically oriented people....Education to me is the process of becoming. It enables us to become ourselves. 它是文明社会的基石,它使我们不仅能够发展自己,而且能够在与他人的互动中发展自己."

W. Michael Blumenthal,

Former Chairman, Bendix, Burroughs, and Unisys; Former Secretary, Treasury of the United States

“今天,你们正在与来自世界各地的近10亿年轻人竞争, 他们是第一代基本上受过技术教育的人. 世界其他国家已经看到,通往成功和更高生活水平的道路是通过教育. Today's graduates must compete in that environment, and looking at this optimistically, 这十亿人都有创造财富的能力, to add value, to become customers for us. They can become our partners. Educated people will help solve each other's problems.... 想想十亿人,他们将成为解决方案的一部分."

Dean Kamen,


“亲爱的姐妹们,兄弟们,我很高兴在你们中间. 我要感谢这所大学授予我这个学位... 成为你们家庭的一员,祝这所大学在其使命中取得圆满成功."

Pope Shenouda III,

117th Pope of Alexandria; Patriarch of the See of St. Mark Leader of the Coptic Orthodox Church

“我对劳伦斯理工学院先进的测试设施和正在进行的最先进的研究活动印象深刻. Indeed, 劳伦斯科技是开发和部署创新技术的领先机构, durable, 以及我们未来基础设施急需的坚固材料, bridges, 以及中东和非洲不同地区的建筑."

Ibrahim Mahlab,

President and CEO, Arab Contractors, Cairo, Egypt

“在学习过程中了解到这里为学生提供的令人兴奋的机会确实令人鼓舞, 在他们踏入现实世界担任领导职务之前. 在这个卓越中心的大门之外,我祝愿他们光明而激动人心的未来."

Sharad Pawar,

Minister, Agriculture, and Minister, Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Distribution, Government of India

"Thank you to Lawrence Tech!  You have touched my heart very deeply. 你们激励我建立更好的美中关系. It will be my duty."

Li (Lily) Zhang,

Prominent Soprano, People's Republic of China