越来越多的高中残疾学生计划在高等学校继续他们的教育, including vocational and career schools, two- and four- year colleges, and universities. As a student with a disability, 你需要充分了解你的权利和责任,以及高等教育对你的责任. 见多识广将有助于确保你有充分的机会享受高等教育经历的好处,而不会感到困惑或延误.

The following information is provided to you by The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) in the U.S. 解释准备参加高等教育的残疾学生的权利和责任. Such information explains the obligations of a postsecondary school to provide academic adjustments, including auxiliary aids and services, to ensure that the school does not discriminate on the basis of disability.

OCR执行1973年康复法案第504条(第504条)和1990年美国残疾人法案第二章(第二章), which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability. 实际上,美国的每个学区和高等学校都要遵守这些法律中的一项或两项, which have similar requirements. Because both school districts and postsecondary schools must comply with these same laws, 你和你的父母可能认为高等教育和学区有同样的责任. This is not true; the responsibilities of postsecondary schools are significantly different from those of school districts.

Moreover, 作为一名大学生,你将拥有作为一名高中生所没有的责任. OCR强烈鼓励你了解自己的责任,以及根据第504节和标题II的高等教育学校的责任. Doing so will improve your opportunity to succeed as you enter postsecondary education.

The following questions and answers provide more specific information to help you succeed.

Yes. Section 504 and Title II protect elementary, secondary and postsecondary students from discrimination. Nevertheless, 适用于高中的一些要求与适用于高中以后的要求不同. For instance, 第504条要求学区向辖区内的每个残疾儿童提供免费的适当公共教育(FAPE). Whatever the disability, 学区必须确定个人的教育需求,并提供任何必要的常规或特殊教育以及相关的艾滋病和服务,以满足这些需求,以及满足非残疾学生的需求.

Unlike your high school, your postsecondary school is not required to provide FAPE. Rather, 你的高等教育学校需要根据需要提供适当的学术调整,以确保它不会基于残疾进行歧视. In addition, if your postsecondary school provides housing to nondisabled students, it must provide comparable, convenient and accessible housing to students with disabilities at the same cost.

  No. If you meet the essential requirements for admission, a postsecondary school may not deny your admission simply because you have a disability.

No. However, if you want the school to provide an academic adjustment, you must identify yourself as having a disability. Likewise, 如果你想确保你被分配到无障碍设施,你应该让学校知道你的残疾. In any event, your disclosure of a disability is always voluntary.

The appropriate academic adjustment must be determined based on your disability and individual needs. Academic adjustments include modifications to academic requirements and auxiliary aids and services, for example, arranging for priority registration;...providing notetakers, recording devices, sign language interpreters, extended time for testing;...and equipping school computers with screen-reading, voice recognition or other adaptive software or hardware.

In providing an academic adjustment, 你的高等教育学校不需要降低或对基本要求进行实质性修改. For example, although your school may be required to provide extended testing time, it is not required to change the substantive content of the test. In addition, 你的高等教育学校不需要做修改,这将从根本上改变服务的性质, program or activity or would result in undue financial or administrative burdens. Finally, your postsecondary school does not have to provide personal attendants, individually prescribed devices, readers for personal use or study, or other devices or services of a personal nature, such as tutoring and typing.

You must inform the school that you have a disability and need an academic adjustment. Unlike your school district, 你的高等教育学校不需要确定你是否有残疾或评估你的需求. 你的高等学校可能会要求你遵循合理的程序来申请学术调整. You are responsible for knowing and following these procedures.

利记sbo process for acquiring academic accommodations; click   here .

Although you may request an academic adjustment from your postsecondary school at any time, you should request it as early as possible. Some academic adjustments may take more time to provide than others. 你应该遵循学校的程序,以确保你的学校有足够的时间来审查你的申请,并提供适当的学术调整.

Generally, yes. 你的学校可能会要求你提供文件,证明你目前有残疾,需要进行学术调整.

Schools may set reasonable standards for documentation. Some schools require more documentation than others. They may require you to provide documentation prepared by an appropriate professional, such as a medical doctor, psychologist or other qualified diagnostician. The required documentation may include one or more of the following: a diagnosis of your current disability; the date of the diagnosis; how the diagnosis was reached; the credentials of the professional; how your disability affects a major life activity; and how the disability affects your academic performance. 这些文件应该为你和你的学校提供足够的信息来决定什么是合适的学术调整.

Required documentation to register with 利记sbo's Disability Services Office

If the documentation that you have does not meet the postsecondary school's requirements, 学校官员必须及时告诉你需要提供哪些额外的文件. You may need a new evaluation in order to provide the required documentation.

你的高中和高等学校都不需要进行或支付新的评估来证明你的残疾和学业调整的需要. This may mean that you have to pay or find funding to pay an appropriate professional to do it. If you are eligible for services through your state vocational rehabilitation agency, you may qualify for an evaluation at no cost to you.

学校将根据相关课程的基本要求审查您的申请,以帮助确定适当的学术调整. 重要的是要记住,学校不需要降低或放弃基本要求. 如果你已经要求了一个特定的学术调整或一个替代方案,如果替代方案也会有效. The school may also conduct its own evaluation of your disability and needs at its own expense.

你应该期待你的学校在一个互动的过程中与你合作,以确定适当的学术调整. Unlike the experience you may have had in high school, however, 你不期望你的大专院校邀请你的父母参与这个过程或为你开发IEP.

Let the school know as soon as you become aware that the results are not what you expected. It may be too late to correct the problem if you wait until the course or activity is completed. You and your school should work together to resolve the problem.

No. Furthermore, 它可能不会向参加其项目或活动的残疾学生收取比非残疾学生更多的费用.

In the end, 了解自己的权利和责任的残疾学生在高等教育中取得成功的条件要好得多. We encourage you to work with the staff at your school because they too want you to succeed. Seek the support of family, friends and fellow students, including those with disabilities. Know your talents and capitalize on them, and believe in yourself as you embrace new challenges in your education.